1) A dog in the manger- one who doesn't let others enjoy what he himself can't

2) Raining cats and dogs- raining heavily

3) Go to the dogs- be ruined

4) Every dog has its day- everyone will have good luck or success at some point in their lives.

5) A dog and a cat's  life- a quarrelsome life
6) Bell the cat-to perform a dangerous or a risky task

7) let the cat out of the bag- to reveal a secret carelessly
8) Dog's breakfast- a poor piece of work; a mess.

9) Dog eat Dog- a situation in which people compete with each other for success in a cruel and selfish way

10) like a dog with two tails- To be tremendously happy

11)like a dog with a bone-unwilling to stop until you have finished.

12) Work like a dog- to work very hard

13) Eat like a bird- eat very little

14) Eat like a horse- eat a lot of food

15) A Dark Horse- A Hidden Genius

16) Flog a dead horse- waste energy on a lost cause or a situation that cannot be changed.

17) Put the cart before the horse- reverse the proper order or procedure of something.
18) looking a gift horse in the mouth- criticize a gift

19) From the horse's mouth-  (of information) from the person directly concerned or another authoritative source.

20) A stalking horse- a person or thing that is used to conceal someone's real intentions.

21) A White elephant-a possession that is expensive to maintain or difficult to dispose of.

22) a bull in a china shop- a clumpy person in a delicate situation

23) a cock and bull story- A false story

24) take a bull by its horns- face challenges boldly
25) smell a rat- Suspect something is wrong, especially a betrayal of some kind
26) A fish out of the water- to be in difficulty or to feel uneasy
27) to fish in troubled water- Try to take advantage of a confused situation
28) have other (bigger) fish to fry- have other or more important matters to attend to

29) A queer fish- Strange/ odd person

30) A big fish- important or powerful.

31) a bird's eye view - a general view

32) birds of same feather flock together-Those with similar interests or of the same kind tend to form groups.

33) a bird of passage- a person who passes through a place without staying for long

34) eagle eye- keen eyesight/ to pay attention to detai

35) a wild goose chase- a foolish and hopeless search for or pursuit of something unattainable

36)a snake in the grass- A hidden Enemy

37) keep the wolf from the door - to have just enough money to be able to eat and live/ Avoid Starvation

38) cry wolf- call for help when it is not needed/ A false alarm

39) cock of the walk- one who dominates a group or a situation

40) cock a snook- to show contempt/ disregard

41) rule the roost- be in complete control.

42) A black ox- misfortune

43) A black sheep- a disgraceful person

44) feather in one's cap- an additional acheivement

45) feather one's own nest- make money for oneself in an opportunistic or selfish way.

46)a sitting duck- An easy target

47) as a crow flies- in a straight line

48) make a beeline for- to move directly towards(Straight) something
49) donkeys years- a very long time.
50) a scapegoat- 
a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency. (a fall guy)

51) lion's share- the largest part of something.

52) a wolf in sheep's clothing- A dangerous person who looks unharmful or pretends to be friendly

53)shed crocodile tears- show false sorrow

54) small fry- insignificant people or things.

55) when pigs fly- 
something that will never happen

56) put all eggs in one basket- put everything at risk

57) bee in one's bonnet - to be fussy
58) book worm- 
a person who likes to read books and who spends a lot of time reading and studying

59) fly in the face of- to defy

60)swan song-last performance

61) wrangle over an ass shadow- to quarrel over trifles

62) at a snail's pace- very s


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