
Showing posts from January, 2022


1) A dog in the manger-  one who doesn't let others enjoy what he himself can't 2) Raining cats and dogs- raining heavily 3) Go to the dogs- be ruined 4) Every dog has its day-  everyone will have good luck or success at some point in their lives. 5) A dog and a cat's   life- a quarre lsome  life 6) Be l l the cat- to perform a dangerous or a risky task 7) let the cat out of the bag- to reveal a secret carelessly 8) Dog's breakfast-  a poor piece of work; a mess. 9) Dog eat Dog-  a situation in which people compete with each other for success in a cruel and selfish way 10)  like a dog with two tai ls- To be tremendous ly happy 11) like a dog with a bone- unwilling to stop until you have finished. 12) Work  like a dog-  to work very hard 13) Eat  like a bird- eat very  litt le 14) Eat  like a horse-  eat a lot of food 15) A Dark Horse- A Hidden Genius 16) F log a dead horse-  waste energy on a lost cause or a situation that cannot be changed. 17) Put the cart before the