
Showing posts from August, 2020

Divisibility Rules or Divisibility Tests

  What is "Divisibility By" ?   Divisible By means "When you divide one number by another number, the resultant number is a who l e number"  In other words, if a number is completely divisible by another number, then the quotient will be a whole number and the remainder will be zero. Examples 10  is  divisible by 5, because 10 ÷ 5= 2 where as the quotient 2 is a whole number   25 is  not  divisible by 2, because 25 ÷ 2 =  12.5 where as the quotient 12.5 is not  a whole number The Divisibility Rules Divisibi l ity rules he l ps us to test whether one number is divisible by another or not, without the traditiona l  method of division! Sounds Great? The Divisibi lity ru les from 2 to 19 are given be low. 1) Divisibility by 2 If a number is even or a number whose unit digit is either 0, 2,4,6 or 8 , it is completely divisible by 2. Examples:   1)  7778  is an even number (Here, Unit digit-8)and is comp letely  divisible by 2    2) 5665 is not an even number(Here, Unit